Calculate Artificial Turf Products Needed
Use our calculator to estimate how many rolls of turf, bags of infill, glue and nails you'll need for your specific project.
Don't hesitate to call (706) 272-4379 if you need any assistance.
Infill Calculation:
Bags Needed: 0Infill Recommendation: None
Seam Calculation:
Option 1 - FST65 (1’x65’): 0 rollsOption 2 - FSTAP (1’x325’): 0 rolls
Glue Tubes Needed:
0 glue tubes neededNails Calculation:
0 nail boxes neededOUR DEDICATED
Sales Team
Brian Emert
Atlantic Region Sales Manager
Washington DC, Charlotte NC, Charleston SC, Philadelphia PA, Boston MA, New York City NY
Monica Skidmore
Southeast Regional Sales Manager
(Georgia & Tennessee)
Knoxville TN, Nashville TN, Blue Ridge GA, Augusta GA, Sevierville TN
Max Halcomb
Southeast Regional Sales Manager
(Alabama and Florida)
Tampa FL, Orlando FL, Miami FL, Jacksonville FL, Birmingham AL
Dan D’Alessandro
Midwest Regional Sales Manager
Chicago IL, Southwest MI, Columbus OH, Louisville KY
Jerry Gonzalez
Southwest Regional Sales Manager
South Texas (McAllen, Harlingen), Central Texas (Austin, San Antonio), Houston TX, Dallas TX, Phoenix AZ
Steve Bunn
Pacific Northwest Regional Sales Manager
Seattle WA, Portland OR, Spokane WA, Salt Lake City UT, Las Vegas, NV